Inland Action Positions on Important Issues:
- SUPPORT- HR 9625 / S 4199 – 12/06/24 Letter of Support for the Judges Act (1/5/2025) - SUPPORT- 5/24/24 for San Bernardino County Regional Parks’ application for the California Department of Transportation ATP Grant to fund expansion of the Santa Ana River Trail (SART)
- SUPPORT- 12/05/24 Letter of Support for the Pacific Village Platinum Campus Expansion Project (1/5/2025) - SUPPORT- 5/24/24 for San Bernardino County Regional Parks’ application for the California Department of Transportation ATP Grant to fund expansion of the Santa Ana River Trail (SART)
- SUPPORT- 10/25/24 Little Hoover Commission Study Request (11/4/2024) - SUPPORT- 5/24/24 for San Bernardino County Regional Parks’ application for the California Department of Transportation ATP Grant to fund expansion of the Santa Ana River Trail (SART)
- SUPPORT- SB 1420 to set a statewide standard for the use of clean hydrogen in transportation and intends to improve the permitting process for applicable hydrogen production project. (5/27/2024) - SUPPORT- SB 1420 to set a statewide standard for the use of clean hydrogen in transportation and intends to improve the permitting process for applicable hydrogen production project.
- SUPPORT- San Bernardino County Regional Parks’ application for the California Department of Transportation ATP Grant to fund expansion of the Santa Ana River Trail (SART). (5/27/2024) - SUPPORT- 5/24/24 for San Bernardino County Regional Parks’ application for the California Department of Transportation ATP Grant to fund expansion of the Santa Ana River Trail (SART)
- SUPPORT- Inland Economic Growth and Opportunity regional economic development initiative’s $2 million Community Project funding request. (4/2/2024) - SUPPORT- 3/29/24 the Establishment of IEGO Regional Economic Development. Request $2 million Community Project funding. This request will facilitate the continued support of regional inclusive economic development to foster collaborations across local entities and provide comprehensive direct services. IEGO is poised to deliver tailored solutions that uplift the Inland Empire and create long-term economic resilience and prosperity.
- SUPPORT- Community Project Fund Request of National Community Renaissance (“National CORE”) to fund for the reconstruction and renovation of key common areas at its affordable apartment community in Rialto (3/21/2024) - SUPPORT- 3/19/24 Community Project Fund Request of National Community Renaissance (“National CORE”) to fund $930,000 for the reconstruction and renovation of key common areas at its affordable apartment community in Rialto to bring them up to current CBC, Section 504, and American Disability Act (“ADA”) standards. This includes work in the community room, entrance, and apartment units at The Crossings affordable apartment community, a 2 and 3 bedroom one-hundred-unit affordable family property.
- SUPPORT Ontario International Airport’s Fiscal Year 2025 Congressionally Directed Spending Requests (3/20/2024) - SUPPORT- 3/15/24 Ontario International Airport's Fiscal Year 2025 Congressionally Directed Spending Requests. The ONT projects aim to modernize airport terminal facilities, implement essential safety infrastructure updates, and address security risks crucial to the well-being of the airport, passengers, and employees.
- OPPOSE- U.S. EPA’s Proposed Disapproval of South Coast Contingency Measure State Implementation Plan for the 1997 Federal Ozone Standard (2/27/2024) - OPPOSE- 2/26/24 U.S. EPA’s Proposed Disapproval of South Coast Contingency Measure State Implementation Plan for the 1997 Federal Ozone Standard
- SUPPORT- SB 662 (Rubio) Expand the permitted use of electronic recording of proceedings when certified court reporters are unavailable. (1/17/2024) - SUPPORT- SB 662 (Rubio) 1/15/24Expand the permitted use of electronic recording of proceedings when certified court reporters are unavailable.
- SUPPORT-Allocation for I-15 a letter to the CTC (1/7/2024) - OPPOSE- AB 1000 (Reyes) Qualifying Logistics Use Projects (Coalition Letter)
- OPPOSE-AB 1000 (Reyes) Qualifying Logistics Use (Coalition Letter) (1/4/2024) - OPPOSE- AB 1000 (Reyes) Qualifying Logistics Use Projects (Coalition Letter)
- OPPOSE-AB 1000 (Reyes) Qualifying Logistics Use (1/4/2024) - OPPOSE- AB 1000 (Reyes) Qualifying Logistics Use Projects
- SUPPORT-San Bernardino County Regional Parks’ Santa Ana River Trail Phase IV-A Grant Application (12/27/2023) - SUPPORT-San Bernardino County Regional Parks' Santa Ana River Trail Phase IV-A Grant Application
- SUPPORT-Community Support for the Nomination of the Honorable Kenly Kiya Kato to the United States District Court of the Central District of California (10/13/2023) - SUPPORT-Community Support for the Nomination of the Honorable Kenly Kiya Kato to the United States District Court of the Central District of California