Inland Action Sacramento Issues 2012
- Retain Cal Grants at current level – California college students rely on Cal Grants for their ability to enroll and remain in college. To reduce the funding level will have a devastating effect.
- Support AB2275 (Achadjian) – extend CalSTRS earning limits for certain experienced retirees.
- Inland Action strongly supports the completion of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan.
- Support SB 250 (Rubio) – requires the Delta Plan to be completed and released by a proposed set date.
Health Care
- Inland Action urges the preservation of funds in the State budget meant for disproportionate-share hospitals (DSH)
- Inland Action supports improved care coordination for “dual eligibles”
- Oppose SB1285 (Hernandez) – this bill would establish a default reimbursement rate for emergency services that would make it difficult to have fair reimbursement for emergency services by non-contracted hospitals.
- Support UCR School of Medicine – this facility will make an appreciable difference in health care for one of the most underserved populations in the state.
Economic Development
- Support SB 1186 (Dutton) – gives property owners time to correct ADA violations before they can be sued.
- Post-Redevelopment Legislation – legislation must be passed to make necessary changes to the redevelopment dissolution process and new tools for economic development for local agencies must be created.
- Pension Reform – Inland Action supports, at a minimum, the Governor’s twelve-point pension reform plan.
- Inland Action supports a container fee as a dedicated source of transportation funds for goods movement. A national goods movement bill would be desirable, but there is a fear that California would not get its fair share.
- Inland Action supports extending the expedited CEQA process to large transportation projects.
- California needs to expand the use of toll roads as a source of funding needed transportation projects.
- Inland Action supports prioritizing the sale of Prop 1B bonds in upcoming bond sales.
- The Inland Empire would benefit from moving Ontario International Airport to local control.
- Support AB 1600 (Torres) – this would allow the Metrolink Gold Line to cross San Bernardino County
- Inland Action strongly supports allocations from the Corridor Mobility Improvement Account (CMIA) to assist with San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) shovel ready projects
- I-10/Tippecanoe Phase 1: $10 million
- 1-215/Newport Avenue bridge replacement: $3.4 million
- I-15/Ranchero Road: $21.5 million
- I-15/Duncan Canyon: $12 million