Inland Action holds Federal Advocacy meetings via Zoom


On March 8 and 9, 2022, Inland Action held virtual Federal Advocacy Days. Meetings were held with the members of Congress who serve the Inland Empire and with both Senator Feinstein and Senator Padilla’s staff members. The photo above was taken during our meeting with Congressman Pete Aguilar. Legislative priorities presented in this year’s Platform included:

  • Urge the Inland Empire Congressional delegation to support immediate action to expand federal court facilities in the Eastern Division of the Central District of California and support H.R. 4886 (Johnson-GA), the District Court Judgeships Act of 2021, which would authorize new judgeships to address urgent needs of the Eastern Division.
  • Support action to double the maximum Pell Grant Award to allow more Inland Empire students to complete college and earn degrees more quickly.
  • Urge bi-partisan support for H.R. 6602 (Aguilar-CA) the Affordable Housing Resident Services Act
  • Support Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding for critical Inland Empire projects.

The entire platform can be viewed on our website homepage.