Support SB 1352 (Hueso) Gas Corporations: Biomethane Procurement

 March 26, 2020

 The Honorable Senator Ben Hueso, Chairman
Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee
California State Senate
State Capitol, Room 4035
Sacramento, CA   95814 


RE: Support SB 1352 (HuesoGas Corporations: Biomethane Procurement  


Dear Chairman Hueso: 

This letter is to convey Inland Action’s support for SB 1352, which would require California natural gas utilities to procure at least 20 percent of gas for residential and small- to medium-sized businesses from renewable sources. Inland Action is a non-profit organization of business and community leaders dedicated to the economic and community betterment of the Southern California region.  

Passage of SB 1352 will help California meet its goal of reducing methane emissions by 40% below 2013 levels by 2030.   This bill addresses an enormous emissions reduction opportunity and will allow for California to establish policies to capture and put gases to use that would normally vent into the atmosphere 

Utility procurement of biomethane also has the potential to create in-state jobs and increase in-state economic activity, especially for rural and agricultural regions of California.  The constructionoperation, and maintenance of biomethane facilities will require skilled labor on-site at dairies, wastewater treatment plants, and diverted organic waste facilities. 

Biomethane is a renewable substitute for traditional natural gas and can be used in the same manner without appliance or other end-use upgrades. Using biomethane to decarbonize end-uses allows consumers to use the appliances they prefer while minimizing carbon impact. This will allow for deep emissions reductions in two sectors simultaneously: the methane emissions from the biomethane source are reduced, and the end-use greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, since the biomethane has displaced traditional natural gas. 

For these reasons, we SUPPORT SB 1352 and encourage members of the Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee to approve this important legislation. 



Deborah Barmack 
