April 10, 2015
The Honorable Jim Frazier
Chair, Assembly Committee on Transportation
State Capitol, Room 3091
Sacramento, California 95814
RE: AB 1074 (Garcia) Clean Fueling Act– SUPPORT
Dear Assemblymember Frazier:
This letter is to convey Inland Action’s support for AB 1074 (Garcia), the Clean Fueling Act. This bill will accelerate the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles by addressing the need for alternative fueling stations. Specifically, AB 1074 directs the California Energy Commission to develop a refueling infrastructure plan that identifies the number of stations and the geographic areas where additional stations are needed. Inland Action is a non-profit organization of business and community leaders dedicated to the economic and community betterment of the Southern California region.
Building a roadmap for alternative refueling infrastructure is the first step to developing stations and reducing driver range anxiety, which is a major barrier in the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles. To increase the number of alternative fuel vehicles on the road, drivers need convenient access to refueling facilities.
State law, the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), requires reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by more than 80% by 2050. In addition, Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley face a more immediate challenge in the form of the Federal Clean Air Act, which requires at least a 65% reduction in NOx emissions by 2023, and an 80% reduction by 2032. Public exposure to poor air quality may cause asthma, cancer, and other health problems. The transportation sector accounts for 80% of the regions smog-forming emissions (NOx) and 40% of its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Alternative fuel vehicles will improve California’s air quality by reducing transportation related emissions. For example, transitioning to Heavy Duty CNG trucks from standard heavy duty diesel trucks would reduce NOx emissions by 90% and GHG emissions by 15-20%.
There are many alternative fuel technologies available today, and Californians should have greater access to them so that individual transportation needs can be met. However, today access is limited because there are not enough alternative refueling options. With AB 1074, the California Energy Commission’s plan would guide necessary infrastructure development to reach our air quality and GHG emission reduction goals quickly and cost-effectively. For these reasons, Inland Action urges your favorable support for AB 1074.
Deborah Barmack
CC: Assembly Committee on Transportation