Inland Action meets with Little Hoover Commission Executive Director

On October 15, 2024, members of Inland Action met with Ethan Rarick.

Ethan Rarick serves as Executive Director of the Little Hoover Commission, California’s independent citizens commission that makes recommendations to the Governor and Legislature about how to improve state government. In this role, Rarick leads the Commission’s staff and oversees the production of in-depth studies, the publication of the Commission’s findings, and the Commission’s efforts to support implementation of its recommendations.

Rarick gave an update on the legislative bills that the commission supported in 2024 and were subsequently signed into law. He then provided information on future studies for 2025 including artificial intelligence and homeowners’ insurance. LHC will be focusing on the areas of safety, efficiency, and empowerment of workers to support under-served communities and those experiencing food insecurity with the AI study. The homeowners’ insurance study will address the underlying issues related to canceled and decreased covered in California.

Several members asked if the commission had any information on the upcoming SCAQMD and CARB timelines and the needed equipment and electrical grid expansion to meet requirements. LHC indicated that they had not received any concerns to date and would accept a request for a study on this topic. The Inland Action Economic Development Committee is preparing a letter requesting said study and will forward it to the LHC.