On February 27, 2024, members of Inland Action met with Carrie Harmon, Director of Community Development and Housing for San Bernardino County. Director Harmon described the Community Revitalization Program that includes the Office of Homeless Services. The focus includes:
Continuum of Care (CoC) Serves as the administrative arm of the CoC. Provides leadership and support to the network of public and private agencies that provide homeless services.
Data and Performance Manages the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which is the data repository for homeless services and programming.
Funder Administers various grant funds such as Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention, Encampment Resolution Funds, California Emergency Solutions and Housing, and various pandemic related funding. Seeks out new funding sources.
Point-in-Time (PIT) Leads efforts for the annual PIT count providing the County and local cities with benchmark numbers that will serve as the basis for developing local community and countywide strategies to help people exit life on the streets and measure the success of their efforts.
Their Homeless Strategic Action plan incudes:
1.Housing the Most At-Risk
2.Increasing Shelter Capacity
3.System Improvements