April 13, 2021
The Honorable Peter Aguilar
United States House of Representatives |
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Aguilar.
Inland Action requests your continued support of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and the fourteen retail water agencies that they serve in their efforts to add water conservation as an authorized purpose of the Seven Oaks Dam through a Community Funding Project Request in the FY22 Energy and Water Appropriations bill.
The Santa Ana River Mainstream project is historic in our region, authorizing the construction of Seven Oaks Dam. While its original purpose for flood control is critical, it is good resource management to find ways to put the water captured behind dam to beneficial use. This would maximize the benefit of wet years by storing water in our local aquifers.
Managing water resources for the long-term benefit of our region is good stewardship and we ask for your assistance in using this critical infrastructure for both flood control and water supply benefits.
We know that you highly value our critical environmental resources and urge you to support this initiative for the benefits that would accrue to our entire region.
Carole Beswick, CEO