SUPPORT of the Ontario International Aviation Authority’s (OIAA) application to the USDOT’s RAISE grant program

January 31, 2023


The Honorable Pete Buttigieg
Secretary, United States Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590


Dear Secretary Buttigieg,

On behalf of Inland Action, I am pleased to write in support of the Ontario International Aviation Authority’s (OIAA) application to the USDOT’s RAISE grant program.  Funding will be used to advance realignment and reconstruction of E. Avion and Jurupa Streets as part of the South Airport Cargo Center (SACC) project.

In 2012, the City of Ontario and San Bernadino County approved a Joint Powers Agreement to create the OIAA) and return Ontario International Airport (ONT) to local control.  At the more than 115 governments, organizations, and prominent officials from four Southern California counties endorsed local control of ONT, in cooperation with the Los Angeles World Airports.  The results of this change in governance could not be more impressive.  The amount of freight moving through ONT has doubled and ONT is now the 10th largest cargo operation in the United States with significant room for expansion to serve more cargo from domestic and international carriers

SACC represents the next step in making ONT a dominant cargo hub in the western United States and provides a significant in resiliency to our regional economy.  The jobs created and community benefits of SACC – and continued airport growth overall – will help to raise families up and improve the quality of life in the city and county.

Inland Action strongly endorses OIAA’s RAISE grant application and encourage your support of the South Airport Cargo Center project.



Carole Beswick, CEO