April 6, 2021
The Honorable Pete Aguilar
Congressman, California 31st District
109 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
RE: Support for Goodwill Southern California Community Project Funding
Inland Action offers support of the Goodwill Southern California (GSC) application for Community Project Funding in Fiscal Year 2022. This grant is vital to ensuring an equitable, inclusive economic recovery for the most vulnerable communities in San Bernardino including individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness, justice involved, at-risk youth, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and immigrant communities. The proposed comprehensive employment services include customized outreach activities to historically marginalized and under-resourced communities and populations: to meet them where they are and to connect them with quality education, training, and career opportunities in upwardly mobile, family supporting jobs.
Inland Action has been supportive of Goodwill Southern California in its services to populations in the region and its impact upon so many who have benefited from their training programs. There have long been education, economic security, and digital resource gaps in diverse communities across San Bernardino and the Inland Empire. Those gaps have been exposed and drastically exacerbated by the pandemic. We must work together to ensure that all community members can benefit from and contribute to full employment and economic recovery, and Goodwill Southern California will play a critical role in that recovery.
Carole Beswick, CEO