Support for CORE Application for Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Funding 1/23/18

January 23, 2018


Mr. Randall Winston, Executive Director
California Strategic Growth Council
1400 Tenth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814


Re: Support for CORE Application for Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Funding


Dear Mr. Winston:


This letter is to express Inland Action’s support for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities application submitted by National Community Renaissance for Arrowhead Grove, Phases II and III in San Bernardino. Inland Action is non-profit organization of business and community leaders dedicated to community betterment in the Inland Region of Southern California.


The Arrowhead Grove proposal includes 184 residential mixed income units and recreational amenities, including play areas, community center, swimming pool and outdoor educational nodes. The proposal will also include transportation infrastructure projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as providing each project household with a monthly bus pass for at least three years, creation of new bike routes, incorporation of urban greening projects, and implementation of pedestrian safety improvements based on the walk audit that was prepared for E. Neal Roberts Elementary School as part of San Bernardino County Transportation Authority’s Safe Routes to School Program.

Inasmuch as the California Strategic Growth Council will be making a recommendation to fund Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities applications in June of this year, we feel that the National Community Renaissance application uniquely meets the program goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by supporting more compact infill development patterns and encouraging active transportation and transit usage.   The project exemplifies the type of community targeted by the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program by serving a large population living in poverty and the need for active and public transit travel options.

Inland Action urges your strong consideration of the National Community Renaissance application in San Bernardino.


Deborah Barmack
