April 8, 2016
The Honorable Isadore Hall
Chair, Senate Governmental Organization Committee
1020 N Street, Room 584
Sacramento, CA 95814
RE: SB 1385 (Leyva) – As amended March 29, 2016 – SUPPORT
Dear Chairman Hall,
Inland Action is pleased to support Senate Bill 1385. This legislation would add the December 2, 2015, shooting that occurred at the Inland Regional Center to the list of events for which the State share of state eligible cost is increased to 100% and would make findings and declarations as to the necessity of a special law. Inland Action is a non-profit, non-partisan corporation dedicated to effecting community betters in the Inland Southern California Region.
The terrorist attack that took place on December 2, 2015, in San Bernardino, California, was the deadliest terrorist attack in California and the second deadliest in America. The County and City of San Bernardino, along with other first responders immediately took action to protect those in harm’s way. The response was well-orchestrated, well-executed and saved many lives. In the wake of the tragedy, other immediate decisions had to be made by local elected officials and administrative staff to ensure public safety and the continuity of government. The County, City of San Bernardino, and other responding agencies collectively spent more than $19 million responding to the mass shooting on December 2nd.
The California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) oversees California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA) funding, which is the primary funding mechanism available for recovering local costs in response to an act of terrorism. The terrorist attack was an unprecedented event for California and the first terrorist attack that CalOES will determine costs eligible for reimbursement through the CDAA. CalOES is accustomed to calculating reimbursement costs for fires, floods, and other natural disasters. Typically, the State provides 75% reimbursement of eligible costs, and local government is responsible for the remaining 25%. However, through legislative action, 100% reimbursement is available for emergency response under special circumstances.
SB 1385 will provide 100% reimbursement to the agencies responsible for the exemplary emergency response to recoup costs expended in response to this terrorist attack. For these reasons, Inland Action is pleased to support SB 1385, and we respectfully request your “Aye” vote. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 909 223-7831.
Deborah Barmack, President
c: The Honorable Connie Leyva
Members and Consultants, Senate Governmental Organization Committee