On Friday, June 2, members of Inland Action attended the groundbreaking event for the Santa Ana River Enhanced Recharge Phase 1B Project. Pictured here are T. Milford Harrison, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District; Ken Coate, HUB International; Thomas Rice, Best Best & Krieger; and Kristine Scott, So Cal Gas. When complete, this phase of the Project will accommodate the diversion of up to 500 cubic feet per second and the recharge of an average of 15,412 acre-feet per year (AFY) and up to a maximum of 80,000 acre-feet (AF) in a single wet year – a tremendous step toward improved drought resiliency and water conservation for our region. The Project is the result of federal, state, regional, and local agencies working together. The event was hosted by Inland Action member San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District at a location on the Santa Ana River immediately downstream of the Seven Oaks Dam. The event was attended by partner agencies, contractors, and supporters. Attendees included Congressman Pete Aguilar, who had recently secured $2,500,000 in funding for the Project. The efforts of SBVMWD Executive Director Heather Dyer to collaborate with other regional water agencies, as well as state and federal stakeholders, will serve as a model for future projects in the region.