support of the Santa Ana River Wash Plan-Feinstein 2.2.16

February 2, 2016


Senator Dianne Feinstein

331 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Dear Senator Feinstein,


The members of Inland Action ask for your einstein.

We believe the Wash Plan Task Force has found balance in the Upper Santa Ana River Wash Plan. This plan calls for a land exchange in order to create habitat for sensitive and endangered species, to allow for future mining, to facilitate benefits for local infrastructure projects, for trails and water recharge projects. This plan represents more than 15 years of negotiations and planning.   It involved countless discussions among environmentalists, business interests, government and community to come up with an approach to the Wash Area that would protect the interests of everyone involved.


The plan is comprehensive and identifies land where existing mining operations can continue to provide the aggregate needed to support the region’s growing construction industry and establishes protected areas for native plants and animals under the Endangered Species Act.


In November, the Santa Ana River Wash Plan Land Exchange Act, (H.R. 4024), a bi-partisan bill, was introduced by Congressmen Pete Aguilar and Colonel Paul Cook to facilitate the exchange of District and Bureau of Land Management parcels. This critical component is as important to the habitat elements as it is to the activities covered by the plan.


With so many stakeholders involved in the process, the Upper Santa Ana River Wash Plan is locally led collaboration at its best. We fully support the Wash Plan and request your help in gaining Senate approval for this vital Plan.


We thank you for your continued support for our region.



Carole Beswick, CEO