AB 857 (Perea) Support – ASM Frazier 4.10.15

April 10, 2015

The Honorable Jim Frazier
Chair, Assembly Committee on Transportation
State Capitol, Room 3091
Sacramento, California 95814

RE: AB 857 (Perea) CLEAN TRUCK PROGRAM – Support

Dear Assemblymember Frazier:

This letter is to convey Inland Action’s support for AB 857 (Perea), the Clean Trucking Act, which will help California truckers purchase new very low-emission trucks and help accelerate the retirement of older, high polluting trucks. This bill creates incentives for heavy-duty truck purchasers to help buy-down the initial cost of the vehicle. It will help grow the clean alternative fuel truck market now and will also stimulate additional investments in the next generation of lower emission truck technologies. Inland Action is a non-profit organization of business and community leaders dedicated to the economic and community betterment of the Southern California region.

This legislation would create incentives for heavy-duty truck purchasers to help buy-down the initial cost of a new, very low-emission vehicle, which would accelerate the retirement of older, higher emitting trucks. This bill would also help grow the clean alternative fuel truck market and will stimulate additional investments in the next generation of lower emission truck technologies.

California has always been at the forefront of policies to protect and improve the environment. For the last 50 years, California has led the nation in the development of innovative policies and programs to decrease public exposure to air contaminants that contribute to health disparities. However, even with the most aggressive emissions control measures in the world, the South Coast Air Basin is still in non-attainment of federal ambient air quality standards.

While mobile sources are the largest source of emissions in the South Coast Basin, mobile sources also offer the greatest opportunity to improve air quality. By sending market signals that all cost-effective solutions to attain federal air quality standards will be considered, California can accelerate the development of cleaner, affordable technologies that will drive down the cost of new heavy-duty engines.

AB 857 is critical to improving air quality and public health in California. It will provide incentives to increase deployment of clean trucks in California and help California achieve the ambitious emissions reduction goals. For these reasons Inland Action urges your favorable consideration of AB 857.

Deborah Barmack

CC: Members, Assembly Committee on Transportation
This letter emailed on June 23, 2014, to Senate Committee on Transportation:

Senator Jim Beall, Chair; senator.beall@senate.ca.gov
Senator Anthony Cannella, Vice-Chair; senator.cannella@senate.ca.gov
Senator Ben Allen; senator.allen@senate.ca.gov
Senator Patricia C. Bates; senator.bates@senate.ca.gov
Senator Ted Gaines; senator.gaines@senate.ca.gov
Senator Cathleen Galgiani; senator.galgiani@senate.ca.gov
Senator Connie Leyva; senator.leyva@senate.ca.gov
Senator Mike McGuire; senator.mcguire@senate.ca.gov
Senator Tony Mendoza; senator.mendoza@senate.ca.gov
Senator Richard D. Roth; senator.roth@senate.ca.gov
Senator Bob Wieckowski; senator.wieckowski@senate.ca.gov
Mr. Randy Chinn; Randy.Chinn@sen.ca.gov
Jesse Cuevas; Jesse.Cuevas@asm.ca.gov
Israel Salas; ISalas@semprautilities.com
Regina Lugani; Rlugani@semprautilities.com