May 12, 2017
Mr. Randy Fiorini, Chair
Delta Stewardship Council
980 Ninth Street, Suite 1500
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Chairman Fiorini:
On behalf of Inland Action, I would like to share our organization’s perspective of the ongoing effort by the Delta Stewardship Council to advance the co-equal goals of providing a reliable water supply for California and restoring the challenged ecosystem of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Inland Action is a non-profit organization of business and community leaders dedicated to the economic and community betterment of the Southern California region.
The Delta Plan, as drafted by the Stewardship Council, serves as the essential blueprint for numerous local, State and federal agencies to advance these goals through their representative jurisdictions. The Council is now in the process of amending this plan to expand its guidance for future improvements to Delta conveyance, water storage and reservoir operations.
Overall, we agree with the Council findings that the status quo in the Delta is unsustainable and unacceptable. Increasing risks from sea level rise, subsidence and earthquakes in the Delta threaten not only the water supply for 25 million Californians, but also the State’s $2 trillion economy that depends on reliable supplies of high quality water.
We agree that Delta water systems need to be modernized with new intakes in a manner that is compatible with Delta communities. We support the recommendation of building additional storage so that more supplies can be captured during wet periods.
To refine these broad objectives into appropriate final language, we encourage you to work closely with the stakeholders representing our communities who are most closely engaged in this vital process, including the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, its member agencies, local water agencies and the State Water Contractors.
Southern California will continue to reduce its reliance on the Delta to meet future needs through historic investments in conservation and new local supply development. Water from Northern California will remain an important baseline supply and must help to provide the reserves necessary to withstand droughts. A successful conclusion to your process is critical to advance a modernization of the Delta water system to advance both restoration and water reliability goals.
We appreciate the work of the Council on this critical issue.
Deborah Barmack, President